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Why Her?: May December Romance (Mistaken Identities Book 2) Page 7

  “I wouldn’t say that exactly. It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. But . . . I want to do a hell of a lot more than stare at you right now.” I stood up, but didn’t approach her.

  She inhaled a choppy breath, her own gaze roaming down my body to land on the formidable bulge she’d caused.

  The atmosphere charged with electricity, dense arousal that was nearly palpable.

  I remained several paces away from her, and she seemed to enjoy the effect she had on me, because she turned away from me then slowly sauntered toward my new dresser.

  Jaw clenched, body straining, I stared at her peach-round ass, imagining running my fingers over the swell of her hips, the indent of her waist.

  Then she gasped and looked back at me. “Where’s Alice’s photo?”

  “In Cecilia’s room.”

  “Why?” she asked while I approached soundlessly.

  “You know why.” Spinning her to me, I drew my palms up her arms to her shoulders. “I didn’t expect this. I don’t know what to do with you anymore, Stevie.”

  She made a seductive little purr, lips curling ever so slightly. “What do you want to do to me?”

  A harsh laugh left my throat. “I’m afraid I’d shock you if I told you.”

  “Why don’t you show me instead?”

  Releasing a thick groan, I dipped my head to hers. Pulling her tightly to me, I devoured her mouth, greedily quenching the hunger she’d lit inside me.

  Stevie’s skin was even silkier than the dress. Her lips softer than flower petals.

  She kissed me just as voraciously, her fingers dragging into my ass to crush me against her.

  When I drew back, her breathing was shaken. Her blue eyes hooded. Her nipples had formed little peaks within the bodice of her dress.

  I was no less shaken. “What am I gonna do with you?”

  “I don’t know.” She suddenly seemed so young, so innocent, peering up at me with her puffy lips and her pink cheeks.

  I stood still, considering. Considering the options. Wondering what the hell was to be done about this situation.

  And about how dull the days would be when she was gone.

  In the end, I didn’t really have a choice. Not with her.

  I asked the one question I swore I wouldn’t. “Would you go out with me sometime?”

  “On a date?” Surprise widened her eyes. “But you said we shouldn’t—”

  The sound of a horn interrupted whatever she’d been about to say.

  Striding over to the window, I looked outside just as a young man hopped out of a truck that was a hell of a lot newer than Stevie’s old GMC.

  “Who’s that?” A dark scowl pulled my brows low.

  Stevie glanced at me from fixing stray tendrils of her hair that had gotten mussed while we’d kissed. “Oh, a friend of my brother’s.”

  “Is he the one you got all dressed up for?” I asked in a belligerent tone.

  Now her frown matched mine. “No. I dressed up for myself, if you must know.”

  I glared at her.

  She glared right back.

  “Is he a date?” I spoke stiffly, anger making me irrational.

  “I am so done with you right now.” Grabbing her backpack, she flounced from the room and practically vaulted down the stairs.

  I stalked right after her, almost bowling her down when she spun toward me at the door.

  “By the way, is it okay if I leave my truck here overnight? Or do you have a beef with that too?”

  “Fine,” I grumbled, besieged by intense frustration.

  The thought that any other man—or boy by the looks of it—might end the night kissing her filled me with staggering jealousy.

  I was at a loss with this woman-child who’d managed to upset the balance of my life.

  She opened the door but stopped halfway outside to toss another haughty glare at me. “Why are you so mad at me all of a sudden?”

  “You’re changing everything. You’re changing me. You’re changing my house!” I slung ridiculous accusations at her.

  “That’s what you hired me to do! God, you are so annoying.” She stamped her foot down with a clack of her heel.

  “If I’d known it was you, I’d have hired someone else.” I pointed a finger in her face, looming over her.

  She flinched before notching her chin high. “Thanks for the stunning vote of confidence.”

  Dropping my arm, I swallowed any further recriminations.

  “You’re leaving,” I said.

  “It’s Friday night. ’Course I am.”

  “That’s not what I meant, Stevie. And you damn well know it.” I raised bleak eyes to hers.

  “The job’s almost done.” Sadness whispered through her voice. “There’s no reason to stay.”

  “I know.” I wanted so much to touch her, but that would make everything hurt worse in the long run. “I know.”

  “I have to go.”

  I watched from the open door as she greeted the man-boy with a kiss on the cheek and a big warm hug.

  Jealousy roared back to life, and I headed into the house with a loud slam of the door.

  It felt like I’d been sucker-punched in the gut.



  DAVEY USHERED ME INTO his pickup, but I was the one who slammed the door with just as much vehemence as Kane.

  The unbelievable nerve of the man.

  Davey went around to his side and slipped behind the wheel with a whistle through his teeth. “Lovers’ quarrel?”

  I snorted. “Not likely. And he’s the client.”

  “Mr. Bishop.” Looping his arm around the back of my seat, Davey backed the truck around. “Heard of him. Matter o’ fact, Gabe said you blush every time his name’s mentioned.”

  “Have you ever known me to blush?”

  Davey shrugged. “Not my business one way or the other. But if you are hot for Mr. Bishop, I completely understand why. The man gives new meaning to bend me over and fuck me blind.”

  Davey—Gabriel’s best buddy—had the build of a lumberjack, the demeanor of a puppy dog, and he was one hundred percent gay.

  By the time I got to my birthday party, which Carmen had organized—renting out half of a beachside bar—I was past fuming. I was downright furious. Davey’s constant jokes hadn’t pulled me from my funk one little bit.

  I headed straight to the bar, fully intending to get good and drunk.

  I didn’t have to work tomorrow.

  I didn’t owe Kane Bishop any explanations for anything.

  And fuck him sideways while I was at it.

  Carmen eventually located me through the mass of people who jammed to the loud music. Her hips swayed voluptuously on her approach, so almost every man’s mouth in the joint gaped open cartoon-style.

  “Happy birthday, chica!” She pulled me into a smothering hug, and I nearly sloshed my drink.

  “I feel like you fell off the face of the earth then disappeared into a black hole,” she shouted above the din.

  “I only wish.”

  She pulled her crimson-stained lips into a pout. “Awww. That Mr. Silver Fox still getting to ya? Why haven’t you just fucked his brains out already?”

  “I don’t even want to talk about it.” Then I launched into absolutely alllll of the details. “First of all, he thinks I’m some freakin’ babe in the woods or something. Never mind the fact he knows I’m clearly capable enough to be in charge of remodeling his house and running my own crew.”

  “He’s just scared.” Carmen counseled.

  “Of his own shadow! Then there’s the thing with his wife, Alice. Two years, and it’s obvious he’s not over her. So it’s pointless having feelings for him anyway.”

  “Feelings? Who said anything about feelings?” She looked mock-shocked.

  I gave her my best Medusa glare before slumping against the bar. “He did take her photo out of his bedroom though.”


  “As if that
actually makes a difference.” My tirade continuing, I only stopped long enough to take deep breaths and long drinks. “How dare the mighty Kane Bishop interrogate me? Me? Like I’m his daughter and he has the right to know all my comings and goings?”

  “Preach it.”

  I snaked my head back and forth. “In fact, how dare he even kiss me again after the first time and telling me I’m just a child in his eyes—or something along those lines.”

  “Whoa, wait, what?” Giving me her full attention, Carmen clasped my hands. “He kissed you again. Tonight?”

  I bit my bottom lip. “Mmmm hmm.”

  “Details, you dirty hold-out!”

  “I can’t describe it. He’s like this so distinguished classy man, but . . . the way he goes at me is definitely not dignified, if you know what I mean.” I closed my eyes, remembering how hotly he’d possessed me. “It feels like he knows exactly what he’s doing, but at the same time it’s so wild and savage. Like he can’t control himself. I want more of that.

  “I’ve never been so turned on in my life. From a kiss.”

  “I’m hot and bothered just hearing about it.” Leaning back, Carmen fanned herself.

  “I didn’t tell him Davey’s gay.”

  She hooted. “Oh, chica! You are wicked.”

  “Kane deserved it.” But then I remembered the turmoil on his face, the turbulence of his eyes, when he so much as admitted he didn’t want the job to end, for me to leave.

  Well, he couldn’t not want me and also want me to be with no one else.


  “It doesn’t matter now. I refuse to let my party get ruined because of Kane Bishop.”

  “I’ll raise a glass to that.” Carmen clinked a bottle against mine then her gaze shifted to something behind me.

  A slow smile—the one I called the seductress—curved her red, red lips.

  I was just about to turn around to see who she was getting flirty with when strong arms circled around me and lifted me clean off my feet.

  “Hey, sis!” Gabriel boomed near my ear. “Happy birthday!”

  “Jesus. Put me down. And stop shouting. I’m not wearing protective ear guards here.”

  He set me on my feet then stepped beside me with a wink. “So Davey filled me in on the scene at Mr. Bishop’s house.”

  “Don’t you start in on me now.”

  “Davey only mentioned a little thing . . . like sparks were flying all over the place. And it didn’t look like it had anything to do with the work on the house.”

  Meanwhile Carmen moistened her lips and shimmied her hips.

  I wondered who the hell she was trying to snag tonight.

  “Hey, Carmen.” Gabriel gave her a lazy wave.

  “Gabriel.” She simpered.


  The woman did not simper.

  Wait, her flirty seduction smile had been for my big brother?

  If so, Gabriel was oblivious. Already ambling away, he looked like he had a bead on a girl flaunting a whole lot of boob buffet in a dress all but swallowed by cleavage.

  I rolled my eyes.

  My brother or not, he had a clear type. And that was tits and ass over brains and class.

  Carmen hissed, and it honest to God looked like she was about to get her claws out. She started right after him.

  I grabbed her arm. “What are you doing?”

  “He deserves better than that tramp stamp.”

  “Uh. You deserve better than my manwhore brother.”

  “At least I can keep him away from Ms. Thirsty over there.” Her sneer turned into a smile for me. “And when I get back, we’re having cake.”

  “You didn’t buy me a cake.”

  “Cupcakes. Chocolate ones. With lots of gooey frosting. And I brought candles!”

  Laughing, I released her. After grabbing a fresh drink, I sauntered closer so I could watch whatever damage she caused, because Carmen was not some shy little sweetheart.

  She was full-on woman-fury packaged in a curvy body with the brains to match. If only she’d apply herself to a job instead of running my love life.

  And clearly trying to ruin Gabriel’s.

  She swept in front of my brother, making him stumble over his own feet.

  I drank slowly, watching the scene unfold.

  “Dance with me?” she asked, curving a hand over his shoulder.

  Confusion skittered across his face, and he glanced around at me.

  I shrugged. What did I care? I had no skin in this game.

  “Errr,” the big lug stammered for a moment. “Sure. Anything for my little sister’s best friend.”

  I could read Carmen’s mind, and I knew without doubt she was going all Grrrr in her head about the ‘sister’s best friend’ comment.

  But that sure didn’t stop her.

  Music pumped loudly and so many people took to the dance floor, Gabriel and Carmen’s bodies meshed together unavoidably. I returned to my vantage point near the end of the bar in order not to get trampled.

  Carmen smiled triumphantly.

  Gabriel danced hesitantly.

  Carving out enough space to work her bump-grind magic, my girl put all her best moves on him. The shimmy-shake. The ass-gyrate. Even the hip swivel/hair toss that melted men in place.

  Yessiree, Carmen put all her luscious Latina curves to good use. And Gabriel looked absolutely flabbergasted, as if he didn’t know where to put his hands, what to do with his feet, or what body part to swerve his gaze from next.

  I watched all with brimming amusement.

  Gabriel usually burned through women like, well, Carmen burned through jobs.

  It was awesome seeing him sweating it so hard.

  “I’ve been looking all over for you, princess.” The slimy voice at my shoulder caused an immediate cold sweat to break out on my body.

  I spun to find Ethan right behind me. “Get the fuck away from me right now.”

  He smiled, and it was more of a sneer than anything else. His hair was slickly polished back, and he wore the kind of seersucker suit that made him look like exactly what he was—a spoiled little shit.

  “Not so fast.” He snatched my arm. “Gabriel seems a little distracted, so I finally get you all to myself.”

  The loud music drowned out any sound of struggle as he yanked me with him. He was definitely feeling brave even without his usual entourage of Biffs and Teds and Claytons the Third.

  Pinning me in a dark corner away from prying eyes, Ethan gripped my jaw in an unforgiving hold. “You don’t have any right to treat me the way you did. Breaking up with me. Me?” He shook me until my teeth rattled in my head. “Jesus, I only went out with you because I wanted to see what fucking the help would be like. Tramp. You belong to me until I choose otherwise, not the other way around.”

  “You’re so fucking deranged!” I gathered a good glob of spit and let hurl in his smarmy face.

  He wiped the mucus from his cheek and flung it to the ground. “You’ll pay for that, Stevie, because you know what? I know what a low class slut like you needs. I’ve got a little birthday gangbang organized for your present. The boys and I will have you trained like a good house-whore in no time at all.”

  He laughed in a lunatic tone, dragging my hand down to his crotch where he was disgustingly hard at the thought of his old boy buddies raping me.

  The psycho left himself wide open so I grabbed his birthday package and squeezed mercilessly. His laugh morphed into a shout of pain, and he ripped my hand off him. He was on the verge of backhanding me when I brought my knee up to slam into his already injured balls.

  I broke free while he crunched in fetal position. And Gabriel appeared from nowhere, flying at him.

  “You motherfucker!” Gabriel blasted Ethan against the wall with such force his head pinged back and his eyes rolled wide. “I should’ve destroyed you months ago!”

  Carmen pulled me away, arm around me, huddling me close.

  Eyes wide, I watched Gabriel Hulk-out. His
first right hook connected with Ethan’s perfect face in a shower of blood. Then he pounded fist after fist into his midsection, Ethan crumpling under the onslaught of my brother’s blows.

  Gabriel threw down until a crowd formed.

  Until the music shut off.

  Until I tore from Carmen’s arms and rushed to him. “Stop! Stop!”

  I hauled on his arm, which tensed with fight and fury.

  “Stop. Gabriel. Please!” I gasped, trying to restrain him. “Think of the repercussions! What they could do to our family, the business!”

  Davey appeared right in front of Gabriel, palming the bloodied fist bent on destruction. “You don’t want to do this, man.”

  “I think maybe I do.” Gabriel flexed again, almost ripping free of our hold.

  After a heartbeat, he blew out a breath, rage sloughing so slowly off him. He turned to gather me in his arms.

  “You okay?”

  I nodded, swallowing down swelling tears.

  Beside us, Davey muttered, “I’ve called an ambulance.”

  “Should’ve been a coroner.”

  Carmen took both Gabriel’s and my hands in hers. “Nobody saw anything. Unless it was that sucio bastardo harassing a woman. You two need to get lost now.”

  Gabriel rolled his neck, wiped his knuckles on a napkin he tossed aside, and kissed the top of my head. “Come on, sis. You’re staying at mine tonight.”


  For such a big bruiser, Gabriel was always surprisingly solicitous. He settled me on the couch and brought me a bottle of water. He made me some toast smothered in butter. He brought me a couple Tylenol. He shook me off from attending to his bruised fists.

  He tried to convince me to report Ethan to the police again once I told him about the gang-rape birthday threat, but I adamantly vetoed him.

  Nothing good would come of legally tangling with the Rutledges.

  Finally, he started insisting I sleep in his room and he’d take the sofa.

  But I certainly had no intention of putting him out even more. When we finally settled for the night, I lay on the couch in one of his big old T-shirts, listening as he softly snored from down the hallway.

  It wasn’t Ethan—or the mistake I’d made in ever getting involved with him—I thought about while trying to fall asleep.