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Why Him?: May December Romance (Mistaken Identities Book 1) Page 6
Why Him?: May December Romance (Mistaken Identities Book 1) Read online
Page 6
“You suck at Jenga too,” Jude added.
“Jude!” I scolded.
“See how my own son abuses me?” Rawls chuckled. “Just joshing you. He knows better’n to mollycoddle a pain in the ass like me.”
They clinked their beer bottle/beer cup together at that.
It was impossible not to be enchanted by the setting, the company . . . by Jude.
Later when he unrolled the shrimping net, I knew I was in trouble.
“I haven’t drunk enough for this.” I waved my empty glass at him.
“You just need dexterity.” He hauled me to my feet and lowered his voice to a tummy-tingling rumble. “And I know you’ve got that from the way you’ve handled my cock.”
I stomped on his foot with my heel, which wasn’t nearly as effective in flip-flops as it was in stilettoes.
He went first, easily sending the net out over the sparkly water in an open umbrella shape. He drew the web back to deposit nothing but a few tiny silver fish onto the dock he quickly pitched back into the creek.
Then he rolled up the net and passed it to me. My first attempt splashed in a crumpled mess that didn’t even make it all the way off the dock.
As Jude started to gather the wet webbing, I yanked it from his grasp. “I know how to toss!”
“Yeah, you do.” He winked.
“Unbearable.” I griped.
Coming up behind me, he ranged his arms around me. With me snugged tight against the bulwark of his brawny chest, my ass nestled against his groin, he gently dipped and swung our upper bodies until we released the net to cast it in a fan over the salty creek.
“That’s the way.” His deep voice thundered at my ear, one forearm around my waist.
“Jude . . .” I was helplessly caught in his web.
“Y’all ain’t g’on catch enough for bait at this rate.” Rocking in his chair behind us, Rawls heckled. “You keep this up, Skunk could out-shrimp you.”
Skunk the mutt frolicked through the shallows. When he heard his name, his head popped up, muzzle wet and muddy, long tongue rolled out.
Jude and I didn’t haul in anything that day. Not shrimp, anyway. But he’d managed to enmesh me even more than before when it’d just been the two of us and no last names and a weekly rendezvous in a hotel room.
When I made my goodbyes to Rawls later, I could’ve sworn he had an extra twinkle in his blue, blue eyes. “You oughtta bring those boys of yours out here sometime. Let ’em run off some of that rambunctiousness.”
“I’d like that. Thanks for your hospitality.”
“Nonsense, sugar.” His fingers palsied where he clasped me lightly around my shoulders. “You’re welcome any time, and I reckon Jude wouldn’t mind me sayin’ so.”
After Jude sprayed the pluff mud off Skunk, after he’d settled his dad inside the house, he boosted me back into his truck.
As soon as we were underway, I reached over, placing my hand on his leg. “What about your mom?”
“She died a few years ago. Sudden heart attack.” His eyes glinted wetly. “Not too long after my dad was diagnosed with Parkinson’s.”
I thought about my own parents, healthy and hale and not too far away on Seabrook Island.
Stifling the quick sting of tears, I squeezed Jude’s leg. “I’m sorry.”
He cleared his throat, and his hand fell across mine. “Part of the reason I came home was so I could be with my dad.”
“This wasn’t fair, you know.” I teased a little bit. “Bringing me to meet him, because he’s pretty irresistible.”
“More irresistible than me?” He looked shocked.
“Hard to believe, isn’t it.”
“Never said I was gonna play fair with you, darlin’.” He laced his fingers through mine. “Look. I get it. You needed one thing, one escape from your life. Something separate. And so did I. I wanted to show you something private about me, because I know how much you hate me knowing stuff about you. So we’re even now.”
His insight felt somehow . . . intimate. His understanding made me forget momentarily about the yawning gap in our ages. Having met his dad, having witnessed the care he took for him, I couldn’t deny Jude was a man. But then, I knew that already from the way he treated me.
How could I not want him?
He lifted my hand to his lips, kissing each knuckle. “I want more with you. Always have. Always will.”
I had no answer to those quietly spoken words, and he didn’t ask for one, not during the entire drive to my house.
I hoped he didn’t ask to come inside, because I didn’t think I was strong enough to keep him at bay, not when I knew he was the only man to so sexually consume me.
Once again, he parked the Land Cruiser, hopped out, loped to my side to open my door and help me out.
“You’re not coming in. The boys aren’t home, and there’s no way I’m letting you inside.” I started rambling.
One of his sleek black brows rose, and his lips flirted with a grin. “I didn’t ask to.”
“Okay. Good. Because I don’t know what you expect after—”
“Don’t expect anything.”
I dropped back against the side of the truck. “I should say thank you for today.”
“Like a proper southern woman.” His grin went full-blown.
“Oh you.” I huffed, trying to duck past him.
He brought up both arms, caging me against the vehicle.
My heart started rabbiting in my chest, and my gaze flew to his lips. Lips that were always warm, always felt so good. I kept my hands firmly rooted against the truck just in case I lost all my wits and dragged him straight against me.
As it was, Jude stood close enough I felt his body heat. Close enough I smelled his aftershave or whatever he wore combined with the briny scent of the creek. Clean, fresh, male.
He didn’t so much as touch me, except with his words that came out in a husky tone. “Hey, I thought of a great method of payment.”
“I’ll just bet you have.” I curled my fingers against my palms.
“A kiss a day.”
“That’s sexual harassment.” But my nipples immediately tightened, and a low thrum curled between my thighs.
“Really? Between you and me?” He angled his head, lowering his ruddy mouth just enough to brush my earlobe and shoot fireworks throughout my strung-out body.
“You didn’t work today.” I gasped, remembering how he’d first seduced me with words alone.
Fingers skimming from my shoulder to my hand he unlocked from its tight ball, he spun us around so I faced the house with him behind me.
“Raincheck then.” His parting words left shivers spilling down my spine.
I’d give Jude a raincheck all right. Just not the kind he was after.
He turned up Monday morning, right on time. Smelling delicious. Looking wicked. No man had a right being so attractive. I reacted to the very sight of him. To the sound of his voice. I was reminded every time he spoke about the low naughty words he spun over me like a dare, a challenge, to let myself go on him.
He showed up at my house every morning, was there every evening, and he proved himself surprisingly organized and capable at all things, which aggravated me even more. He did the grocery shopping. He folded laundry—I imagined he enjoyed sifting through my underthings. He broke up fights between Dane and Aiden, took them to all their afterschool activities, and hid all the combustibles from Luke while encouraging his budding football aspirations.
I no longer had to be worried the house would be burned to the ground, or that Aiden would brain Dane, or that Dane would continue to be isolated from friends his own age because he was a self-affirmed and unrepentant brainiac. Somehow, Jude discovered two girls and one boy who were just as nerdy as Dane—Porter-Gaud kids—and began a routine of having them over for what was thereafter dubbed hashtag geeksquad, according to Luke.
I almost wanted Jude to fail. Petty as that was.
And all throu
gh that first full week Thursday, Thursday, Thursday lingered on my mind. In the past, just the idea of our weekly assignation could turn me on, turn me into a quivering mess. The low level hum of arousal was a thousand times worse, having Jude in my life every day and knowing I’d set him off-limits.
The sexual tension was off the charts.
Oh, he was respectful around the boys, and he hadn’t cashed in on his creative kiss payment . . . yet. And Lord knew the man was creative. I missed his kisses, his firm mouth, the sound of his uncontained groans.
I missed touching his chest and running my hands up his strong arms to his incredible shoulders.
I missed the fullness of his cock inside my body.
He didn’t insist on his kiss payment method, but he never missed a chance to stare at me with such hot lust I never once forgot he’d seen all of me, had all of me. On one or two occasions, he merely brushed against me and said darlin’ and almost turned me into a puddle on the floor.
He didn’t text out of turn. He didn’t send dick pics. He didn’t make me feel anything but wanted.
And I wondered how much longer I could keep him at arm’s length.
Meanwhile, Joelle ever so helpfully kept a running tally of my rapidly devolving mood day by day, sending me emojis she thought captured my disposition. Like the pile of turd when I was cranky.
I was tempted to renege on her raise.
My nerves were shot, and I just wanted to get fucked. By Jude.
That first Thursday morning, I found myself dressing with careful attention to detail as I had every other Thursday since I’d met him. The lingerie—a precious little pink ensemble Jude had never seen to go under my raspberry-colored dress. The lace top hosiery. The perfume dabbed behind my knees and right across my belly and the tops of my thighs.
When he walked inside to collect the boys for the school run, he stopped short, did a doubletake, then scanned me from head to toe and back again. His irises melted from bright blue to hungry black, and it felt like he could see right through my dress to everything I’d done—would’ve done—to prepare myself for him.
I left with quick kisses to my sons, not a single word exchanged with Jude as he continued to ravish me visually.
By the time I returned home Thursday evening—a lot earlier than usual—my tummy fluttered, my face felt heated, and if Jude so much as touched me I’d come unglued.
The house was unusually quiet, and I dropped all my things on the table in the hallway.
A long low whistle sounded behind me, and it could only be Jude.
I swallowed hard, my back arching instinctively as if he’d caressed the center of my spine.
Spinning slowly, I steeled myself against all the sexual promise he so easily exuded. Standing there, he was framed in the archway to the living room. Jeans clung to his thickly muscled thighs, and rolled up shirtsleeves bared the sinewy tendons of his forearms.
He didn’t move a single inch, yet I felt his roaring need just as surely as if he’d pinned me to the wall with his larger, harder body.
“It’s Thursday,” he said.
Combustible heat coursed all over my body in an instant. “Is it?”
His low chuckle made my toes curl. “Don’t pretend you forgot.”
I swallowed again, every single part of my body clamoring for him.
“The boys are next door, swimming at the neighbors with strict instructions to be home by six thirty for dinner.”
“Good.” I dragged my gaze from him. “Then you can show yourself out. I’m going to have a bath.”
“Or I could join you.” He crossed over to me so swiftly, I had no chance to escape.
Maybe I didn’t want to.
“Jude . . .” Cornered, I kept my hands flat on the wall at my back.
“It’s Thursday. Do you know that’s been the only day I cared about for two months because of you?”
“We can’t anymore.” I shook my head.
“Bullshit. Being around you every day. I just want you more.” His lips lightly nipped the pulse point at the hollow of my neck. “Feel how fucking hard you make me, Cady.”
Taking my hand, he placed it on the thick erect flesh, the hard hot roll barely withheld by his jeans.
I moaned before I could stop myself, curling my fingers around the rigid shaft.
“You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Being here all the time. Torturing me all the time,” I accused, but I didn’t pull my hand away.
My fingertips danced lower down the inseam of his pants, all the way to the swollen-hard head of his cock.
With my wrist locked in his hand, he barged right up against me. “You know why I’m not enjoying being around you like this, Cady? Because I can’t fuck you or kiss you or get you down on your knees so I can watch you pant for my cock and my cum.” He nipped at my chin then tongued around one earlobe, giving me the soft with the sting always.
“I can’t rip off your panties and spread your legs so I can lap that sweet wet cunt of yours like I’ve done countless times.” Jude’s growly voice sent shivers down my spine. “I can’t get you out of my head. My dick’s about to burst every time I’m around you, but I’m not gonna jerk off because next time I come it’ll be with you, and the load I’m gonna give you will make you plead for more.”
Ripping free of his grasp before I crumbled completely, I rushed upstairs. Inside my bathroom, I hit the taps on the bath and swilled in a generous helping of bubbles.
I didn’t lock the door.
Looking in the mirror, I pulled pins from my hair, letting them fall to the vanity with little pings of sound.
I knew I was tempting danger and everything I’d sworn off.
My dress swished in a circle of fabric at my feet.
The doorknob turned.
He entered. He shut the door. He grabbed my reflected gaze with his before his eyes dropped to my shoulders, to my breasts cupped in the pink silk, to my panties.
He took a step toward me.
Strong. Sexual. Everything.
In the bathroom filled with steam.
“Time to pay up, Cady.”
I SPUN CADY TOWARD me, capturing her gasp with my lips. The kiss was unrestrained, all twisting tongues and clashing teeth. Her fingers rammed into my hair, yanking me closer, and I hitched her up high against me.
Breaking free with a groan, I left her just long enough to flick off the water in the tub. Hot steam poured around us, rising from the surface of the bath, clinging to my skin.
When I straightened, Cady was right there. Her lips latched onto my throat, fingers grappling with the bottom of my shirt. I stood back to fling my shirt aside and release the catch on her bra.
With her breasts freed, I hungrily, almost viciously, attacked the swaying mounds. I pulled one nipple to the roof of my mouth, suckling roughly and stroking across the other high pink peak. She tossed her head back, her moan loud and echoing through the misty room.
I took her lips again, twisting her hair in my hands, holding her head still. Angling her neck and cupping her ass and licking deep inside her mouth until her hips rocked against my absolutely engorged cock.
I set Cady down on the side of the tub where she looked incredibly tempting. Moisture shimmered all over her tits and belly, and her hazel eyes had darkened to tarnished gold green. Kneeling in front of her, I kissed her delicate chin, the pulse in her neck. I licked a path down to the swells of her engorged nipples, slurping and lapping. Lifting her a little, I quickly discarded her panties.
And then I spread her thighs wide so she was decadently naked and perched on the edge of the bath.
“Hold onto my shoulders. Don’t want you slipping.”
She nodded, hands roaming up from my forearms while I pressed her legs even wider.
Her succulent pussy lips spread, her clit a tempting rose-colored morsel up at the top, a slippery sheen of arousal smeared all over her smooth skin.
“Fuck yes. This is all I want.” My voice deep and harsh, I stared at the luscious cunt in front of me.
I had no patience to tease her. I had no patience to make her wait until she begged for my face against her slit.
Clenching her thighs in a tight grip, I lunged tongue first. I smothered her pussy with my lips, my nose brushing against her clitoris, my tongue drilling and swishing inside to scoop up her cream.
Her taste. Her pleasure. Her need. She was irresistible.
I had to have more.
Banding an arm around her waist, I drew her closer to me until I held her against my face.
“Oh, God. Please!” Her knees rose up to my sides.
Her fingernails scratched to the back of my neck.
Lapping in long strokes that ended with a circle around her clit, I swiveled my face from side to side. She was sodden, her wetness smeared all over my chin and cheeks, coating my mouth, clinging to my tongue.
I held her against me, lashing at her, eating her, growling into her aroused pink flesh until all I heard beyond the roar of blood in my ears were her smoky calls of release.
Taking her down slowly, I set her back onto the side of the tub. I unlocked her thighs and opened them again. I withdrew a little, just enough to look up into her flushed face then down at the swollen wet pink of her well-used cunt. Then I bent my head to kiss one thigh then the other before languidly licking the last of her essence.
Cady pushed me back.
“Wha—” I started to ask.
“Stand up.” She slipped down onto the floor.
I gulped, so fucking hard I wasn’t sure I’d be able to get my dick out of my pants if this was headed the way I hoped it was. With Cady down on the floor in front of me, completely naked, I was in for an incredible blowjob.
She ripped through the button fly, yanking, yanking, yanking at my jeans.
She started licking me as soon as the base of my cock appeared, moaning and impatient.
She leaned back, cursing, when my jeans got stuck.
I tugged them down, down, down, and when my dick finally sprang free, a splatter of clear precum landed on her cheek.