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Taming the Alien Prince: Sci-Fi Alien Royalty Romance (Intergalactic Lurve Book 2) Page 4

  It was more than just his appearance that, admittedly, was HOT HOT HOT . . .

  When a full grin lifted the corners of Zane’s mouth, I wondered what he’d seen in his mind that time.

  Meanwhile the huge man cleared his throat, obviously unaccustomed to being ignored.

  “Yeah, yeah. All right.” Zane motioned me forward. “And this, Astrid, is my brother, Xyib*eepthxnin—”

  Prairie interrupted, “You can save yourself a lot of trouble and just call him X—”

  “The King of Zenithia.”

  Mother of Christ, the king? I thought I should curtsy or something, but as soon as I started to dip down, Prairie grasped my elbow. “Oh no, sistah. Don’t you even dare stroke his ego more.”

  Magnar, who followed into the room with two other similarly outfitted warrior-types, snickered.

  X glared at him.

  Magnar raised both hands. “Hey, your woman said it, not me.”

  I spun to Prairie. “So that makes you . . . the queen. A human queen?”

  “Yep. Mega perks there.” She winked impishly, flashing the giant pink rock on her finger. “And mad bling. I mean, I can just pawn it when I get back to Earth.”

  “Meehri.” X growled, eyes simmering with passion as he regarded his tiny queen.

  “Hush now. You know I’m just playing.” Up on her tiptoes, she melded her body to his.

  Their kiss was long and lush, a heated exchange that made my tummy tighten. My eyes found Zane’s longing look, and I wanted to crush myself against him, feel his tongue stroke inside my mouth.

  A nearly feral look sharpened his features, and his cocks pushed at the front of his leather pants. He was ready to pounce. But Prairie pushed away from X, and with a swivel of her hips, she led me away from all the towering men, farther into the chambers.

  “By the way, don’t be scared of X. He’s just a big teddy bear, who tends to glower a lot.”

  I glanced back at the big teddy bear. His eyes were glued to Prairie’s posterior with an intensity that could melt clothes from flesh.

  I barely had time to take in the foreign opulence of the room, dominated by a pulsing pink obelisk that seemed to be made of the same stone as Prairie’s jewels, before she guided me to a seating arrangement.

  “How long have you been on Zenithia?” I asked, eager for information from one of my kind.

  “Oh, about four months. But you know that space-time continuum thing.”

  I did know about the space-time continuum theory, but I’d never actually experienced it. It made me wonder how much time had passed on Earth during the few hours I’d been here. And if my parents realized I was gone yet.

  “Don’t you miss home?”

  “Pffft. There was nothing back there for me. Well, except my Ducati. But here the boys, and girls, have some flashy rides. What about you?”

  “It’s complicated.”

  “Now that sounds like a Facebook status.”

  I smiled shyly, shaking my head. “Nothing like that. At least, I wasn’t romantically involved with anyone when I . . . met Zane anyway.”

  “He didn’t stalk you, did he? I promise he’s not really a creeper. He’s actually very sweet.”

  I laughed. “No, he didn’t stalk me. He just told me he was the Prince of Zenithia, and I was meant to be his mate. Which really should’ve set off—”

  “Alarm bells?” She interrupted, hooting her own laughter.

  I nodded. “Something like that.”

  “Don’t worry. I had the same reaction to X. He’s just so sexy. And convincing.” She scooted closer to me. “Aside from being freakishly huge—all over—Zenithians aren’t so different from us. You’ll get used to the ceremonies and the feasts and the orgies.”


  “X doesn’t let me participate.” She pouted.

  Trying to digest everything she said, I glanced at Zane then back to Prairie.

  “And don’t get me wrong. You’re definitely not in Kansas anymore. Wait until you see your first unix!”


  “Girl. Let me put it this way. A freaking phoenix crossed with a unicorn.”

  “No way.” The possibility of such an animal shot a thrill right through me.

  As if sensing my curiosity, Prairie leaned toward me. “Oh, hey, did Zane mention aging slows here?”

  So maybe Mr. Hobbs wasn’t a crackpot at all. “Noooo.”

  “Yeah. I’m sixty-nine.”

  I possibly looked like I was about to pass out, because Prairie broke into peals of laughter.

  “I’m kidding.” She shoulder-bumped me. “I’m twenty-four. But X is way way way in the senior citizen range. 300, it ain’t just a movie. Zane’s definitely not a youngster either.”

  More shock piled on, and I peered at Zane, in the prime of his life . . . how old was he really?

  “Oh him? He’s just a young’un at two hundred and fifty-nine.” She curled closer. “Regardless of their age, their stamina never quits.”

  I’d already noted that.

  A tray bearing glasses and a tall pitcher made of some alloy I didn’t recognize was placed before us.

  “You’ve got to taste this.” After pouring a drink, Prairie passed me a large goblet.

  “What is it?” I studied the amber colored liquid before sniffing it.

  “Just pure deliciousness in a glass.”

  I took one small experimental sip. The liquor smoothly coated my tongue before rolling down my throat. The alcohol tasted like cognac with fruity afternotes and absolutely no burn.

  “It’s potent as hell, so unless you plan on getting trollied tonight, pace yourself.” She rubbed the small mound of her belly under her draped gown, drawing my attention to the dome I should’ve noticed earlier. “I’m off the stuff for now, so you can drink for me too.”

  I nearly dropped the heavy glass. “You’re pregnant! Is it—”

  “That poor schmuck’s.” Prairie pointed at X who stood in a circle of men, proudly grinning at her.

  Even from across the room, he appeared to have heard her, unless . . .

  “Can he see images, like Zane?”

  “X? I wish it was that simple with him.” She snorted. “He can hear thoughts. All the thoughts, from everyone unless they consciously block him out or he does. You know,” she shrugged, “the king thing. He can project as well, communicate without saying a word.”

  I was even more intrigued. Aristocratic human-alien offspring with a father who could communicate telepathically? This world was even more incredible than I’d thought.

  Zane’s captivating eyes speared me when I glanced toward the males again, his gaze marking me as his like he’d branded me with his cum earlier.

  I should’ve been thinking about my parents, worried about them especially after they’d already unexpectedly lost Cozmo. Yet the prospect of having free access to a human woman carrying a half-alien baby was too enticing. Finally proving the theory of extraterrestrial life was too seductive.

  Zane is too seductive.

  I gulped, tearing my gaze from him, wondering how much he’d seen from my thoughts . . .

  “Has a human female ever given birth to an alien baby before?”

  “Not with a Zenithian. Looks like I’m your test subject, huh?” Prairie dangled another carrot right before my eyes.



  I DRIFTED CLOSER to the two women . . . a chain already binding me to Astrid.

  I had to hand it to Prairie; she made a compelling argument to Astrid for remaining on Zenithia. The first human-alien hybrid of our two races to be borne of X and Prairie? Surely the astrobiologist in Astrid would take the bait just like she’d taken my cocks in hand when I’d risen to the occasion earlier.

  Her instantly aroused reaction to my dual dicks was nothing short of mind-blowing, and I couldn’t wait for her to blow me.

  Gods, but I wanted her as mine.

  The moment Astrid had dropped to her knees,
I’d quaked right down to my heavy balls. It’d taken all my will not to come immediately when she’d slathered warm oil up and down my shafts. Seeing her tits dripping with my white creamy seed, hazy blue eyes staring up at me, I knew my cocks had no hope of standing down in her presence.

  And when her cunt wetly milked my fingers, the thought of her hot silky channel clamping down on one of my engorged cocks—maybe both if I could get her stretched enough—caused my sac to swell with more cum.

  Cum that kept boiling in my balls as I watched Prairie giving Astrid the lowdown. I only hoped Astrid wasn’t put off by the many truths Prairie oh-so irreverently slung at her.

  Backing off a few paces, I grabbed a tankard, letting the alcohol drain down my throat. X continued to talk to me, but tonight I wasn’t interested in politics or potential new problems with the reptilians from the planet Skeer.

  I stared undeviatingly at my mate from beneath hooded eyes until my brother finally gave up and stalked away from me.

  I wanted to rip the dress from Astrid’s gorgeous body and feast myself on her glorious flesh. The fabric molded against her curves like a second skin. And the dip in the gown all the way down her back ended at twin dimples just above her round ass cheeks.

  She was purely tantalizing, and staying away from her wreaked havoc on my equilibrium.

  “Already?” Jedrek, another of X’s prized Valkrane warriors, sidled up to me.

  He was the most hardened and gritty, although Prairie always managed to pull a laugh from the male.

  “What?” I spared him a questioning glance.

  “You and the female.” He nodded his head toward Astrid. “You haven’t stopped staring at her.”

  I made an impatient noise, targeting her with another heated look she had to be aware of. “Wait until it happens to you. I’m going to rub your face in it so hard.”

  “Already has,” the warrior mumbled.

  That claim grabbed my attention. “You and Dex? So what I heard was true?”

  Before he could answer, Dex approached with a purposeful stride. Yet another Valkrane, Dex was as large and as capable a warrior as the rest of us, but he was known as the resident shit-stirrer.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Jedrek ordered before the male in question reached us.

  I just laughed and shrugged, ambling away. Apparently Jedrek had it bad, and it looked like Dex had no fucking clue.

  I was about to go reclaim my female from Prairie when Kerta, X’s and my sister, made her entrance. No shy maiden her, she’d also been through warrior training. She stood as tall as any of our species, with long black hair and golden irises, which turned to turquoise offset by delicate tattoos around her left eye.

  A soldier’s kilt swished from her hips, and the sword swinging at her side was sharp enough to cleave a body in two.

  “Am I late?” She reached out to tap my fist. “Where’s the latest human?”

  Prairie was on her feet, already guiding Astrid over as Kerta greeted the others.

  “Astrid,” I drew her to my side, “this is my sister, Kerta.”

  “Kerta. Wow.” Her hand was immediately swallowed in Kerta’s grasp. “So is this the entire family?”

  “Except for Mother.” Kerta winked. “As you can see from Prairie here, we weren’t hatched from eggs, no matter what your Earthling sci-fi movies show.”

  Astrid laughed hesitantly.

  “My sister’s a bit of a joker,” I said.

  “The fuck you say.” Kerta punched me on the shoulder. “Never thought I’d see you settle down.”

  Astrid’s eyes grew wider. Perhaps she hadn’t believed me when I’d said she was fated to be my mate.

  Before Kerta could say anything else to alarm Astrid, I pulled my pretty human along with me to the platters of food set up on several tables. For the next half hour, we mingled while I plied her with an assortment of savory meats and cheeses, juicy fruits, and delicate sweets. She asked a million questions about each exotic food, clearly relishing the tastes inside her mouth, swirling her tongue around.

  I wanted her to do the same with my cocks as my cum drizzled down her throat in obscene amounts.

  Every time I fed her a bite of food, my gaze zeroed in on her glistening lips, my intent clear as I hungered for a lush wet taste of her body instead of food. My cocks pulsed and pounded within the leather pants, tightening the material dangerously until my thick rigid meat threatened to bust the seams wide open.

  Astrid’s eyes drifted from my chest down my abs to my groin. I slid one hand along the trail her gaze had followed, and her eyes snapped to mine then back down just as I handled myself.

  My arousal sharpening when she inhaled excitedly, I boldly gripped my cocks. I grunted and pushed my pelvis forward.

  “Are you going to mate her right here in front of everyone?” X asked from over my shoulder.

  Nosy asshole.

  I continued to stare at Astrid. “Tempted to.”

  “Horn dog.” He laughed before turning to talk to Magnar.

  Astrid closed her eyes as a shiver wracked her body, and I knew she was as turned on as I was. I took the opportunity to swash my tongue across her lips, plucking at her mouth and winding a length of her hair around my thick wrist.

  The skin markings on my torso felt alive where one of her hands rested before her fingers curled closed.

  When I lifted my head, I gave her a slow dangerous smile. Her cheeks heated deliciously and her lips gleamed wetly, nice and swollen.

  I kept her by my side for the remainder of the festivities. I loved her smaller stature, the juicy curves of her body, the pale blonde hair that felt softer than tazek fur as strands whispered across my chest. I made sure her goblet was refilled as soon as she emptied it, and her inquisitive questions came faster and faster.

  “What’s your economy like?”

  “The Dow Jones says we’re awesome.” X grinned.

  “How do you know about the Dow Jones?”

  “How do you think I came to be at Area 51?” I whispered near her ear.

  She swung a sharp gaze at me, and Prairie chuckled before adding, “They pretty much know everything about Earth.”

  “Do you . . . mate for life?”

  “Better do.” Prairie all but growled out.

  “Is Zane the only one with a . . . biological anomaly?”

  Dex smirked. Jedrek rubbed a hand across his forehead. Magnar whistled between his teeth.

  “So I’ll take that as a yes,” Astrid commented. “Not that I meant anything by calling your,” she waved a hand down toward my groin, “those,” she fanned at her face, “ummmm . . .”

  “His junk!” Prairie shouted out.

  Astrid’s cheeks turned bright pink. I tugged her to me with a wink, drawing her against my body.

  “Don’t worry, meehri. I already know you like my biological anomalies. Remember, I can see your thoughts.”

  While the rest of them chuckled, Astrid bent her head against my chest.

  “I didn’t mean to say that,” she whispered.

  I tipped her chin up and kissed the tip of her pert nose. “I’m not offended.”

  Not at all. If she wanted to inspect my endowments again—at great length—I’d give her free rein All Over Me.

  Soon after Astrid’s blush settled down, Dylka made an appearance, a warrior female like Kerta. She was introduced by Prairie with the usual teasing.

  “Yeah,” my brother’s pregnant wife said. “Dylka and I used to be mortal enemies. Now we’re besties.”

  Dylka’s stern expression shifted into a rare smile. “We were only adversaries because you stole my male.”

  Astrid’s brows arched.

  Prairie snorted. “Buuuullllshit. X kicked you to the curb way before I came along.”

  At that everyone laughed, and Astrid watched in awe as the small human playfully mocked the large Zenithian woman.

  “Anyway,” Prairie shrugged, “I kicked her ass with a mace.”

  “With mace?�
�� Astrid asked.

  “No.” She mimicked taking a swing with her favored weapon Jedrek had taught her to use. “A mace.”

  Dylka knocked her gently on the shoulder. “I let you win that challenge.”

  The ensuing laughter and lighthearted jibing from all only ceased when one final Zenithian entered through doors silently opened for her.

  “Who’s that?” Astrid whispered to Prairie.

  I couldn’t wait to hear her answer.

  “Head-bitch-in-charge, AKA the Queen Superior. AKA my mom-in-law.”

  “My mother,” I added, stepping forward to kiss Mother’s cheek as she stilled before us, tall and regal.

  “Zaneeviex. Introduce me.”

  “Mother, this is Astrid.” I swept her forward.

  “Should I curtsy this time?” she hissed.

  “No need to stand on ceremony.” My mother laid a hand along Astrid’s cheek. “She’s very fair, Zaneeviex. And from what I’ve heard, more than just pleasing to the eye? You are a scientist of some sort?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I’ve been studying the possibility of . . . um . . . extraterrestrial species.”

  Mother laughed, a noise that sounded like the leaves of the malp tree tinkling in a breeze. “I’d say you could consider the possibility is definitely viable.”

  “I’m still not certain any of this is real,” Astrid admitted, face flushing.

  “I assure you, dear, we’re as real as you are.” Casting a glance around, Mother’s eyes touched on me, X, and Kerta. “And you understand Zaneeviex has brought you here to be his mate?”

  Astrid’s eyes flashed to mine, and her lips trembled prettily.

  “I see,” Mother said, amused. “This will be interesting indeed. Zaneeviex has never attempted courtship before.”

  That time my cheeks heated, and X hooted loudly. Prairie mumbled something that sounded suspiciously like manwhore while Jedrek, Dex, and Magnar wisely held their tongues.

  Astrid looked like she wasn’t sure she wanted to be courted at all, but I’d have her mind changed by the end of the night.